1 PI-lime EDS Ultra Dehairing & Soaking Enzyme Blend of selected proteases 9.5-10.5 98+-2 Optimum Temp. 30-35 degrees centigrate Gives flat and firm grain. Gives wrinkle free pelt
2 PI-bate ALK Alkali Bate (1500 LVU /GM) Protease enzyme -- 100 Optimum Temp. 30-35 degrees centigrate Gives clean, fallen, flaccid pelt. (Opt. pH- 8.5-9.5)
3 PI-bate ALKC Alkaline Bating Agent(1200LVU/GM) Protease enzyme -- 100 Optimum Temp. 30-35 degrees centigrate Gives clean, fallen, flaccid pelt. (Opt. pH- 8.5-9.5)
4 PI-bate ALKS Alkaline Bating Agent(800LVU/GM) Protease enzyme -- 100 Optimum Temp. 30-35 degrees centigrate Gives clean, fallen, flaccid pelt. (Opt. pH- 8.5-9.5)
5 PI-bate ALK Ultra Conc Alkali Bate (15,000 LVU/GM) Protease enzyme -- 100 Optimum Temp. 30-35 degrees centigrate Gives clean, fallen, flaccid pelt. (Opt. pH- 8.5-9.5)
6 PI-bate AC Acid Bate(1500 LVU/GM) Protease enzyme -- 100 Optimum Temp. 30-35 degrees centigrate Gives clean, fallen, flaccid pelt. Improves feel & firmness of grain.(Opt. pH- 3.5-4.5)
7 PI-bate ACS Alkali Bate (1500 LVU /GM) Protease enzyme -- 100 Optimum Temp. 30-35 degrees centigrate Gives clean, fallen, flaccid pelt. Improves feel & firmness of grain.(Opt. pH- 3.5-4.5)
8 PI-bate AC Ultra Conc Acid Bate (15000 LVU/GM) Protease enzyme -- 100 Optimum Temp. 30-35 degrees centigrate Gives clean, fallen, flaccid pelt. Improves feel & firmness of grain.(Opt. pH- 3.5-4.5)
9 PI-tan BFR Safe Basifying Agen Blend of special organic compounds 10.5 10.5 Good A safe basifying agent to be added in one feed. Best chrome exhaustive aid. Gives smooth grain @ increases pH gradually. Eliminates the risk of grain abrasion.
10 PI-tan BFN Modified Safe Basifying Agent Blend of special organic compounds with special masking agents 10.5 90 Good A safe basifying agent with masking agents to be added in one feed. Gives efficient chrome exhaust and ensures bright colour, uniformity & smooth grain.
11 PI-tan MO Safe Basifying Agent Blend of special organic compounds 10 98 Good A safe basifying agent to be added in one feed. Gives efficient chrome exhaust and ensures brighter colour.
12 PI- Picaltal S Powder Non-Swelling Pickling Agent Mixture of aromatic Sulphonic acid with organic compounds 0.7 100 -- Eco- friendly non swelling pickling agent which reduces pickling time by almost half. Leathers with exceptional fullness fine smooth grain and mellow handle are obtained.
13 PI-lix HS Anti Wrinkle auxiliary Blend of anionic organic compounds. 10.5 50 -- Reduces drawn grain and wrinkles in the pelt. Also reduces backbone fat problems and neck wrinkles.
14 PI-lime LA Liquid Liming Auxiliary Blend of amino compounds. 10.5 50 -- Used for easier and effective dehairing and reduces swelling of pelts. Gives clean and scudfree grain surface. It reduces growth marks and folds.
15 PI-lix BW Soaking agent Combination of organic sulphur compound , wetting agent and a bactericide. 9.5-11.0 100 Optimum Temp. 30-35 degrees centigrate Accelerates soaking process by its good wetting properties. Prevents bacterial growth and has active effect on soluble proteins, blood and grease residues.
16 PI-delimer DL Deliming Agent Blend of organic and inorganic salts. 5 95 -- Gives an even deliming effect and completely removes the lime and activates chrome exhaustion.
17 PI-delimer AF Nitrogen Free Deliming Agent Blend of organic and inorganic salts. 5 93 -- Gives an even deliming effect and completely removes the lime. Gives very light pelts and leathers with fine grain.
18 PI-soakwell Soaking enzyme (1500LVU/GM) Blend of proteolytic and lipolytic enzymes. 70-9.0 96 Optimum Temp. 30 degrees centigrate Gives clean, fallen, flaccid pelt. Improves feel and ensures through wetting of the skin/hide (both wet and dry salted)
